The latest people news

Stories, ideas
& insights

Our designers have a lot to say. For us knowlegde should be shared and not kept as a secret. We believe that our methods and mindset can help and inspire others to create purposeful and meaningful products.

The latest people news

Stories, ideas
& insights

Our designers have a lot to say. For us knowlegde should be shared and not kept as a secret. We believe that our methods and mindset can help and inspire others to create purposeful and meaningful products.

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Jan 27, 2025
I en tid, hvor touchskærme er overalt, kan man nemt tænke, at fysiske knapper hører fortiden til. Men i brancher, hvor sikkerhed, præcision og robusthed er afgørende, står de fysiske knapper stadig stærkt. Læs med og bliv klogere på hvorfor fysiske knapper stadig er uundværlige i industrien – og hvordan den rette balance skaber de bedste HMI løsninger.
Nov 1, 2024
HOUNÖ lancerede i foråret 2023 den nye ovnserie Invoq, som blev til i et spændende “Open Innovation Circle” samarbejde, mellem forskellige specialister og private label kunder.
Sep 12, 2024
One question always troubles a designer: how does a new design fit in with the old? This issue was central in the design process that led to the development of Kamstrup’s MULTICAL 21, a product that has become an industrial design icon.
Apr 19, 2024
The daily frustration was the reality for many Nilfisk users across diverse industries before we stepped in. Back then, Nilfisk's Aero vacuum sales were in decline. They desperately needed an innovation, and they found it in our user-centered approach.

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